In our modern world, mankind has fallen into delusion, deviation, and loss of purpose. Deep in the shadows, the rulers of this world lurk and make their plots against us; they are building a new world, incited by a total societal collapse, and we are at its climax. Fortunately, there are those who know the truth; fearless warriors who vigorously step beyond the boundaries of our reality and hunt creatures of darkness. These dark beings serve one master, Satan, and they act between worlds through vast networks of corrupters to steal, kill and destroy. God's Army of Light and its warriors, unyielding God-chosen champions, are the last bulwark preventing darkness from destroying our world. At times, corruption and shadows attempt to obfuscate the light, but the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. The Army of Light's purpose is to fight and keep evil at bay until the fulfillment of God's revelation.

![decorative symbol 2 [mask+1xOPACITY].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/cb5e7c_5fcd88914dfb4d379c8642ef0346a283~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_103,h_103,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/decorative%20symbol%202%20%5Bmask%2B1xOPACITY%5D.png)
Prepare your heart and mind to join the Spiritual War and fight creatures of darkness in Aiden and The Secret World. This third-person action adventure puts you on a quest to experience God's revelation, seek the truth, and combat the forces of evil. Beware of the eye that sees all, the commander of darkness; it watches you and attempts to incite doubt in your mind to recruit you into his army of degenerates. When opposed, they hunt you and do everything to destroy you. Resist and pray, because the Lord is your strength and your shield. Begin this journey with Aiden, a thirteen-year-old Christian boy who has been brought to the Spirit Realm and is being persecuted by the damned. Aiden must defeat them and follow God's path to find and join the Army of Light.


We all have our part in this continuous upbuilding; to follow the Lord's command and unite in the same mind, in harmony with one another, and commit our work to the Lord, for we are His workmanship. Let us be free of the things of the world and praise the Lord with everything we have; our actions, voice, and spirit. Let us use our skills to work for Him. All works inspired by God are practical for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and instruction in righteousness. That's why we must continue to work in God's name and fight the agenda against us. Stay awakened and do not conform to this world, but be renewed in your mind and do good. If you believe in this purpose, join our efforts in any way that you can; if you can join, then join. If you can pray, then pray. And if you can share and use your voice, then do so. Because together, with God's guidance, we will do great things.


Aiden and The Secret World is a Christian adventure game project on Patreon. This project is independent, made possible only through community support, and has no corporate sponsorship or studio behind it. We count on our supporters to help on delivering the game soon. We plan to release the finished 3-hour campaign, with local and online co-op gameplay, in 2024, but that date may change. The more support the project receives, the quicker it will be done.